Full name: IP SI*LUXUS NYE
Date of birth: Jul. 12th 2008.
Color, patern and EMS code: Blue pointed RAG a
Sir: CH Ightorn Koc-Pol Cat*PL, blue point RAG a
Dame: CH SI*Lxus Krackatoa Kay’Oss, seal point RAG n
From: SI*Luxus
Ex-owner: Tina Testen Roška 9, Celje, Slovenia
Short description: This champion kitten with champion parents is our first pure-breed animal in family. He helped us overcome many difficulties, conflicts, disputes and disagreements. His inteligence, commitment, obedience and beauty were some of the reasons we decided to breed this type of cats. He is only cat I know of that can tell time by looking on the clock and is the only one whose essessment I belive more than my own.
Tina, thank You!